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Are you at least 18 years old?
Do all of the adults living in the house know about the pet and agree that it can live there?
Do you have valid identification with your current address?
Do you own or rent?
If renting, are you able to provide the landowners name and telephone number?
If renting/leasing, are there pet restrictions?
Does anyone in the household have allergies to dogs?
Please list ages
Have you ever adopted a pet from a rescue/facility before?
Have you ever been refused adoption of a pet from any shelter/rescue?
What will the pet's role be in the family?
Check all that apply
Have you had pets within the last 5 years?
Do you have a fenced in yard?
Do you plan to use a tether, chain, or rope as a means of confining?
Read Carefully and Check Boxes to confirm that you understand and agree to each section: